Monday, November 26, 2007


In class we talked about how the book was something like a childrens fiction novel, and i agree in some parts, but some parts i find to be quite well written and darkly comedic. I liked the parts where mr warren is compared to bill clinton because of his infidelity in marriage. im anxious to read on and find out what actually happens in the election but i like the way that the book has gone so far. The development of the characters could use a little help, but there is actually something in all of the characters that everyone can identify with. You have the popular jock, the bookworm, the nerd who is obsessed with political and social popularity (even though she is also the slut), sexually experimenting teens, etc. Everyone knows people like this either from their own high school or from stories they have heard from other peoples schools. the thing i dont like about alot of movies or books that use classic stereotypical high school students as model characters is the fact that the target audience is usally young impressionable minds of high school age kids. Movies like shes all that and mean girls stress the importance and desire to be "popular" and fit in no matter what. Ill be checking in with my next response after i finish the novel.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Paper Topic

Im going to look at the way that politics is satirized in TV, Movies, and Lit. My thesis is basically going to be something along the lines of: While it is easy to satirize politics for entertainment value and to push certain agendas, it becomes problematic when these views are passed off as legitimate political views. Thats pretty much all i have so far so if anyone wants to give me some input i would love to hear it.

Slaughterhouse Five

I enjoyed this book because of the way it shows all sides of the issues of war and the ideas that people have about it. I think that the Tralfamadorian planet is included to show the way that war can change peoples lives for the worst. I think that they have some good ideas, especially the one of death on the planet. The idea that people die in the moment but are perfectly fine in other moments of time is something that I kind of believe in a sort of backwards way. I think that the ideas of time and death allow the grieving process to be easier than it seems to most people these days. You see people mourning for days and weeks at a time in our society, while on their planet life is constituted by a series of snapshots called life. The idea ties into the satirization of war by showing that peoples mind can be affected so heavily by the trials and tribulations of war. This book is one of the better written books ive read that use satire to talk about something as real and devastating as war and death. It gives the reader a chance to suspend his or her beliefs or disbeliefs on subjects like death and time and get lost in a world where these views are totally different than ours. We talked in class about how Tralfamador is real or fake, and i brought up the point that without the first hand experience, its impossible to say if its real or fake. Its real to him, and thats the point the author is trying to make. Reality is something that can change within people, depending on their personal experiences. His reality is also affected no doubt by the shock therapy he received.


My story that i read from the onion was about Alex Rodriguez and his decision to opt out of his contract with the yankees, trying to get more than 25 million dollars that he was scheduled to make in 2008. The story was a satire on the money hungry pro athletes in America and how many of the athletes only care about money, when other people would kill to do something they love for half of the money. The world series was going on and all anyone could talk about was how much money a-rod wanted and if he was going to stay a yankee or not. I like the way that the onion can take a real story and put a satirical spin on it. The "real"news now is so skewed that its nice to have a fresh look at things through a non serious eye. The comedy element in news, also seen in shows like the Colbert Report and The Daily Show, allows americans an escape from the everyday views of the media and the government which is forced upon us all. The problem with things like this are some people only get their information from these "fake"news stories, and that is a problem. If people only get their information from those sources, this can be problematic in the fact that people are misinformed on the real issues and the real problems going on in our world today.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The colored museum

I really enjoyed reading the colored museum. I thought wolfe did a great job of adding comedic elements throughout the play, while also keeping with a semi coherent story throughout the work. One of the negative sides of the story in my opinion is the use once again of over exaggerated social stereotypes, especially of the black women in the play. The repeated use of the theme of dance was something that i thought was very overplayed, and could be considered quite offensive to the black community. The other element of dark comedy i thought was pretty offensive and definately risky were the parts with Aunt Ethel cooking and Miss Pat and her "shackling" of the airline passengers. The reference to the slave trade and the shackling of slaves to the hulls of the boats is something that i was offended by, and i would think that many african americans would be as well. The fact that miss pat was a stewardess which is widely considered to be a white female occupation was something that i thought was clever to try and put in a commentary on the white people trying to still hold the black people down, but again there is a line that i dont know should be crossed here. Aunt Ethel with her big black pot full of many ingredients which ends up rearing boiled black children is not only disturbing, but also i think demonstrates a sort of political commentary on the morals of american society. All in all, i thought the book was cleverly done, but i feel like there are some subjects that have distinct lines which shouldnt be crossed, and i feel this book comes extremely close to doing that, if it doesnt cross them completely.

Paper Topic

I am thinking about doing something along the lines of the satirization of religion in both film and plays, along with some critiques and reviews of these works. My thesis is going to slant towards the way that most people who write religious satire and either non religious, or have gone away from a religion that they were brought up a part of. On the other hand, many of the critics of these works are often hard core religous groups or individual religous zealots and my thesis is going to try and find a way to attack both sides of the argument and come up with some sort of middle ground for commentary and satirization of religion, especially in present day america where a high number of people claim to be religious and particularly christian, but their lives dont necessarily follow that premise. I want to look at things like political elections as well, but i dont want my topic to be too broad or to jump around during the paper so i was hoping that maybe someone could help me out with a concentrated thesis that could somehow incorporate all of these things. I was thinking something along the lines of using a movie like bulworth or election and showing the political satirization aspects in films, and how religion seems to be an intrugal part of the election process nowadays. I have alot of ideas, but im just not sure how to focus in on them to create a cohesive thesis and a clear paper. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.